Finding a value from spectogram

3 views (last 30 days)
Lucrezia Cester
Lucrezia Cester on 28 Feb 2020
Commented: Mathieu NOE on 9 Nov 2023
I created this spectogram through a vector of amplitudes.
How can I find the max(:) Power/Frequency of this graph if I wasn't to graph it but just writing a line of code? I have many such vectors and I can't look at the spec for each one.
Rodrigo Rodrigues Bessa
Rodrigo Rodrigues Bessa on 8 Nov 2023
Edited: Rodrigo Rodrigues Bessa on 8 Nov 2023
if you generate a handle for the colorbar after creating the spectrogram, you can see its max and min
c = colorbar
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 9 Nov 2023
it's not clear to me if you want the overall max of the entire spectrogram or if you want the max of the spectrum for each time slice (i.e each fft output) - in the second case you end up with a line of multiple maxima vs time.

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