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how do i read random jpeg frames from a folder?

1 view (last 30 days)
i have a folder consisting of 2000 images .jpg, i want to made random selection of these images.
i am using
mgs = dir(fullfile(Directory, '\*.jpg'));
for j=1:length(Imgs)
img = imread(fullfile(Directory,Imgs(j).name));
but i want to select random imgaes in one go as i have same functionalities for all of them.
i want to make range for frame 14,25,36,47,58,69,80 etc ( i have observed that these are every 11th frame which i am needing)
is there any way of making such selection.?
i am waiting for response.
thanku in advance
Stephen23 on 3 Jan 2020
"is there any way of making such selection.?"
Sure, use indexing.
Also note that one of the main reasons for using fullfile is that it handles the file separator character automatically, so you should use it like this:

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Accepted Answer

Bhaskar R
Bhaskar R on 3 Jan 2020
Edited: Bhaskar R on 3 Jan 2020
% assuming your image file names are in sequence as 1.jpg,2.jpg,..., 2000.jpg
n_imges = 10; % number of random images you want to pick
Imgs = randi([1, 2000], 1, n_imges); % its the range between 1, 2000 images
( i have observed that these are every 11th frame which i am needing) -This means you need the 11th frame in the range 14 to 80 then
Imgs = 14:11:80;
Your code
mgs = dir(fullfile(Directory, '*.jpg'));
for j=1:length(Imgs)
img = imread(fullfile(Directory,mgs(Imgs(j)).name));

More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 3 Jan 2020
Try randperm():
fileList = dir(fullfile(Directory, '\*.jpg'));
order = randperm(length(fileList));
for k = 1 : length(fileList)
index = order(k); % Get random index.
fullFileName = fullfile(Directory, fileList(index).name)
fprintf('Reading %s\n', fullFileName)
img = imread(fullFileName);
% More code .....


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