How determined lowest value in cell?
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I have cell name as x1
I try to determine the index of my LOOP based on its shortest length.
With the code below I can only index 47 with the longest length.
for K =1: length(x1{i})
x1 is a sample for 6 images. I have more than 100 images and cannot manually find the smallest value
I try to use:
but error on code.
How do I write it to show the shortest length, 15?
Accepted Answer
on 31 Dec 2019
Edited: Stephen23
on 31 Dec 2019
For some reason you want to get the number of rows but in your code you check the number of columns. Also your input to cellfun is one numeric array, rather than the entire cell array:
>> min(cellfun(@(C)size(C,1),x1))
ans = 15
on 1 Jan 2020
Simply remove the min:
>> cellfun(@(C)size(C,1),x1)
ans =
15 22 18 24 35 47
Your example seems to be incorrect: the 5th array has 35 rows, not 15 as you wrote.
More Answers (1)
Max Murphy
on 31 Dec 2019
x1{i} is a double, so you would use:
to get the length of that cell element. If you want to get the minimum length from all the lengths of each cell element, then you would use:
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