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Standalone APP Runtime error

3 views (last 30 days)
MartinM on 18 Dec 2019
Commented: MartinM on 19 Dec 2019
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Iam using Matlab 2019a. I have creat a app with app design. Problem : When I want to creat a standalone app, without download for the user, Ineed to select "Runtime included in package". I have download the 2019a version from
Tht give me a zip. But when I select it I got an error message : "This file is nota valid Matlab Runtimeinstaller for this version"....
Do you have an idea?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 18 Dec 2019
You must use the runtime for exactly the same R2019a Update that you developed the app on.
MartinM on 18 Dec 2019
On the link their is only one possibility : R2019a (9.6). Still not working
I need to load the ZIP file in the packaging part of app design.
Or I need to unzip it? Unzip and install and Add something manually?

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Accepted Answer

Kojiro Saito
Kojiro Saito on 19 Dec 2019
In the MATLAB Runtime download page which you described above, the latest update version is listed. As of R2019a, the link is Runtime R2019a Update 6.
So, if you're using another update version of R2019a, you need to download the same update version of Runtime.
You download the same version from MATLAB.
if you cancel this command, you can find the URL. For example, R2019a Update 1 is
After download the installer file, you don't need to unzip it. Just point the zip location in MATLAB Compiler Preference.
MATLAB Compiler Preferences.png

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