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data matrix for classification learner

2 views (last 30 days)
valeria vetrano
valeria vetrano on 14 Nov 2019
Commented: Athul Prakash on 21 Nov 2019
Hi, I am explaining my problem to you, I have a 283x148096 data matrix that I need to perform the classification through the calssification learner, but the size does not allow me to do it because matlab crashes, so I thought of reducing the matrix through the windowing, so you have 144 samples and 1024 numbers of windows. Can anyone tell me how I could do? thanks
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 14 Nov 2019
I'm reluctant to reproduce the crash right now because I don't want to lose some other stuff I'm working on but I find it odd that matlab would crash because of that data size. Do you know what kind of clustering you want to do?
This code reproduces your dataset and applies k-means clustering. It completes in less than 4 seconds.
data = rand(283,148096);
toc % < 1 sec
c = kmeans(data,5);
toc % < 2 sec
Athul Prakash
Athul Prakash on 21 Nov 2019
Could you elaborate on the question? What kind of classifier were you using?

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