Creating a matrix containing binary vectors as elements

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Based on the dimension n, i want to create a matrix containing binary vectors:
For example with n=1:
Since the dimension is the input variable, I don't know how many while- or for-commands i need in advance.
Any suggestions?
  1 Comment
Star Strider
Star Strider on 22 Sep 2012
Edited: Star Strider on 22 Sep 2012
It's not obvious from your question what you want to do.
How are you creating the elements of your vectors?
Is ‘A’ different for each value of n or are you dynamically creating A?
For a start, I suggest you explore creating ‘A’ as cell or perhaps structure data. They may do what you want.

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Accepted Answer

Rick Rosson
Rick Rosson on 22 Sep 2012
Edited: Rick Rosson on 22 Sep 2012
N = 4;
A = zeros(3^N,N);
for k = 1:N
r = N - k;
v = [ -1*ones(3^r,1) ; zeros(3^r,1) ; ones(3^r,1) ];
A(:,k) = repmat(v,3^(k-1),1);

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