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Weird reading data: seed

2 views (last 30 days)
Zeynab Mousavikhamene
Zeynab Mousavikhamene on 10 Oct 2019
Edited: Stephen23 on 11 Oct 2019
I have data point (attached) and when I call it in command window: data.seed I get the right answer but when I use it in the script to as file .mat name saved, I get error and I see matlab reads it as seed. Any idea why?
The command I use:
name = strcat(struct(jjj).name,'_','seed',data.seed,'.mat');
The error I receive:
Unable to write file C:\Users\Zeynab\Desktop\jsonmatlab\Result\Local\K1_0.0\K1_0.0_seed.mat: Invalid argument.
Using another name rather than data.seed would work so I assume the problem is within data.seed

Answers (1)

Stephen23 on 11 Oct 2019
Edited: Stephen23 on 11 Oct 2019
The problem is data.seed.
When you concatenate that numeric value onto character vectors MATLAB does not implcitly convert the numeric value to a character representation of that value, it actually converts it to the character whose character code is equal to that value. This is simple to demonstrate and resolve, see:
E.g. rather than awkward strcat yoiu could use neat and efficient sprintf:
name = sprintf('%s_seed%d.mat',struct(jjj).name,data.seed);


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