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Making subplots by reading many files in Matlab

1 view (last 30 days)
Ivan Mich
Ivan Mich on 27 Sep 2019
Commented: Adam on 28 Sep 2019
I have a question about making subplots in Matab by reading many files in Matlab. First of all, I have a code who reads many .txt files that have my data.
I have files like these: A_ac_s001.txt , A_ac_s002.txt, A_ac_s003.txt ,..., A_ac_s100.txt
A_bc_s001.txt, A_bc_s002.txt,...., A_bc_s100.txt .
I have created one loop in order to read the first "team" of my data files and one loop in order to read the second "team" of my data files.
S = dir('A_ac*.txt');
for k = 1:numel(S)
S = dir('A_bb*.txt');
for k = 1:numel(S)
I would like to create a subplot which will create 2 plots for the first two files of each team with the command subplot(1,2,1) and subplot(1,2,2). But it doesn't work , because the result are two figures. Also I would like the title to be changing for every figure plot( I mean following the loop of my data).
Could anyone help me?
Ivan Mich
Ivan Mich on 27 Sep 2019
Excuse me but i dont understand the hFig you use in the command.
Adam on 28 Sep 2019
It's just a variable name I usually use for a figure handle returned when you create a figure.

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Answers (2)

Constantino Carlos Reyes-Aldasoro
Perhaps it is not working because other problems:
The title of a subplot is still title and the argument should be a string, if N1 is a number this would go like this
  1 Comment
Ivan Mich
Ivan Mich on 27 Sep 2019
I want the title of the first plot to be "Number 001" for example. The number of the second plot to be "Number 002". Imean i would like the title to be change according to the loop

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Constantino Carlos Reyes-Aldasoro
Ok in that case you will have something like
>> for k=1:9
name = strcat('Number_00',num2str(k))
name =
name =
name =
name =
name =
name =
name =
name =
name =
That of course will only work up to 9, but you can use an "if" to have a different line if k>9.
  1 Comment
Adam on 28 Sep 2019
If you are in a recent enough version of Matlab that has strings then
"Number_00" + ( 1:9 )
should work too.

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