How perform anova tests after using regress in MATLAB?

4 views (last 30 days)
Hi! I'm trying to perform ANOVA analysis for a multiple regression model built using
This is my model:
clc; clear; close all;
D = [Zero L_mean R_mean];
D(any(isnan(D), 2), :) = []; %remove NaN from matrix D
%linear regression
X =[ones(size(D(:,1),1),1),D(:,1),D(:,2)];
b = regress(D(:,3), X);
Rmean_regr = b(1) + D(:,1)*b(2) + D(:,2)*b(3);
[~,~,~,~,stats] = regress(D(:,3), X); %model statistic
I only generate model statistics using stats. How should i do?

Accepted Answer

Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller on 8 Sep 2019
Elisa, I think this might do what you want:
%linear regression
d1 = D(:,1);
d2 = D(:,2);
d3 = D(:,3);
t = table(d1,d2,d3);
mdl12 = fitlm(t,'d3~d1+d2');
a = anova(mdl12)

More Answers (1)

Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller on 7 Sep 2019
It's a little difficult to say because "perform ANOVA" can mean several different things with regression models.
Usually the best approach is to make comparisons among models, where you fit several different regression models and compare their SSerror's. MATLAB's 'stepwisefit' does that, so you might have a look and see whether that will answer the specific question(s) that you have.
  1 Comment
EM geo
EM geo on 7 Sep 2019
Jeff thank you for your reply. I was seraching for ANOVA analysis to apply to regression methods and i found this link
I was wondering if is it possible to apply it to regress function. Can you help me about this?

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