Unit for linear power in line spectrum analysis

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I am analysing a sound wave. I use audioread function of matlab for my analysis and plot my time series and frequency domain curves. When I use frequency domain I get linear and lograthmic plot. In lograthmic plot unit is "dB" I am confused what shoild be the unit in my linear plot. Should it be "V" or "Pa".
I want to know what units should I use here and what maths I should use to back it up, for my conversion from dB to linear scale.
%===line spectrum
disp(['FFT frequency separation = ' num2str(fSep) ' Hz'])
title(['Line Spectrum of ' name ],'fontweight','bold','fontsize',10)
ylabel('Linear power') % "I want to know what UNIT should i use here"
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
axis([fL fR 0 max(Y)])
title('Line Spectrum in dB','fontweight','bold')
ylabel('power (dB)')
xlabel('frequency (Hz)')
axis([fL fR dBmin 0])

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