xlsread multiple files from multiple folders

16 views (last 30 days)
Daniel Green
Daniel Green on 12 Aug 2019
Answered: Stephen23 on 11 Feb 2025 at 10:41
I want to xlsread and xlswrite every .xls file within each folder from a group of folders (58 total folders).
This code works for one file:
f = dir('Y:\Projects\Round\test.xls')
sheet = 'Logic';
[num,str] = xlsread(f,sheet,'D5:D5');
n = 675;
if str == "Test"
xlRange = 'D1';
This is semi-finished code where I think it would work for one folder, but I want it to loop through every folder within a folder.
files = dir('Y:\Projects\Round\*.xls');
sheet = 'Logic';
nFiles = length(files);
for i = 1:nFiles
fName = files(i).name
[num,str] = xlsread(fName,sheet,'D5:D5');
sttd = 675;
if str == "Teset"
xlRange = 'D1';
Problem with this code is that when I get the name of the file and put it into xlsread, it assumes I am working in my current folder and not somewhere else. instead of fName I need the whole directory.

Answers (2)

Rahul on 11 Feb 2025 at 9:27
In order to achieve the task of navigating through directories and subdirectories and reading '.xls' files, consider using the 'dir' function which provides information regarding all the files and directories present in the directory passed as argument.
Further, properties like 'isdir' and 'name' can be leveraged to identify all required subdirectories which can then be iterated through a for loop.
Function like 'fullfile' allows to obtain the full path of the '.xls' file which can then be read using 'xlsread'.
Here is an example:
baseDir = pwd; % Current directory
allFolders = dir(baseDir);
allFolders = allFolders([allFolders.isdir]);
allFolders = allFolders(~ismember({allFolders.name}, {'.', '..'}));
for folderIdx = 1:length(allFolders)
folderPath = fullfile(baseDir, allFolders(folderIdx).name);
files = dir(fullfile(folderPath, '*.xls'));
% Iterate over each .xls file
for fileIdx = 1:length(files)
fName = fullfile(folderPath, files(fileIdx).name); % Full path to the .xls file
sheet = 'Logic';
[num, str] = xlsread(fName, sheet, 'D5:D5');
n = 675;
if strcmp(str, "Test")
xlRange = 'D1';
xlswrite(fName, n, sheet, 'D7:D7');
Refer to the following MATLAB Answers for more information:
The following MathWorks documentations can be referred:

Stephen23 on 11 Feb 2025 at 10:41
S = dir('Y:\Projects\*\*.xls');
W = 'Logic';
for k = 1:numel(S)
F = fullfile(S(k).folder,S(k).name);
[num,str] = xlsread(F,W,'D5:D5');
sttd = 675;
if strcmp(str,'Teset')




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