convert line to pixel coordinate

5 views (last 30 days)
if i have a path consist of six points , and i have obstacle, what i want is to put nodes in all the path to count the minimum distance between
the obstacle and the path
darova on 3 Aug 2019
What about pdist2()?
mohammed alany
mohammed alany on 3 Aug 2019
the problem i wanted all the coordinate of midpoints between each two nodes

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Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 4 Aug 2019
What if you just take the average of the initial, known points?
x = sort(rand(9, 1));
y = sort(rand(9, 1));
plot(x, y, '.-', 'Color', [247, 148, 20]/255, 'MarkerSize', 40);
grid on;
xAve = (x(1:end-1) + x(2:end))/2;
yAve = (y(1:end-1) + y(2:end))/2;
hold on;
plot(xAve, yAve, '.', 'Color', [206, 24, 18]/255, 'MarkerSize', 40);
legend('Original Points', 'Mid Points', 'Location', 'north');
0001 Screenshot.png
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 4 Aug 2019
Edited: Image Analyst on 4 Aug 2019
You could use linspace() instead of just averaging. Try this:
x = sort(rand(9, 1));
y = sort(rand(9, 1));
% Now we have sample data and can begin.
numPoints = 2; % # points in between, not including the knot endpoints.
xAve = x(1);
yAve = y(1);
for k = 2 : length(y)
inBetweenPoints = linspace(x(k-1), x(k), numPoints + 2); % 2 more to include the knots.
xAve = [xAve, inBetweenPoints(2:end)];
inBetweenPoints = linspace(y(k-1), y(k), numPoints + 2);
yAve = [yAve, inBetweenPoints(2:end)];
plot(xAve, yAve, '.', 'Color', [206, 24, 18]/255, 'MarkerSize', 40);
hold on;
plot(x, y, '.-', 'Color', [247, 148, 20]/255, 'MarkerSize', 40);
grid on;
legend('Mid Points', 'Original Points', 'Location', 'north');
0001 Screenshot.png
You could also use interparc (File Exchange), or use splines (demo attached).

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More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 3 Aug 2019
Use bwdist().
mohammed alany
mohammed alany on 3 Aug 2019
dear Image Analyst,
i have list of (x,y) coordinates, which is six orange spots as in figure,
i would like to finde midpoints along the path in order to calculate
the minimum distance between the all path with obstacles,
in my case if i have just 6 nodes, i will find just the distance between the orange spots and obstacles and this is dosn't mean the minimum distance between the obstacle and the path
darova on 4 Aug 2019
What about interparc()?

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