Extract cell with number lines and columns

4 views (last 30 days)
manon bess
manon bess on 20 Jun 2019
Answered: manon bess on 4 Jul 2019
Hello, I would like to automatically extract a cell of 1 row and 20 columns among so many others,
what functions do you think I can use?
Have a good day
Akshay Malav
Akshay Malav on 20 Jun 2019
From where you want to extract a matrix or from a file

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Answers (6)

KSSV on 20 Jun 2019
Read about xlsread and readtable.

manon bess
manon bess on 20 Jun 2019
In a matrix, I have several cells.
I would like to automatically retrieve the cell 1x20 cells by indicating that there are 20 columns and 1 row

Akshay Malav
Akshay Malav on 20 Jun 2019
Okay here is the explaination
Let's say that you have a cell Array A which contains a cell array inside it ,it has dimension from 1 to 100 you can change it to your size of array.
Now I have just looped through the array A and for each element of array A which is A{i} checked it's size and then stored that cell in b array .
Hope this helps
A = cell(1,100);
A{4} = cell(1,20);
A{5} = cell(1,33);
A{6} = cell(1,20);
A{7} = cell(1,20);
b = [];
for i = 1:100
[row col] = size(A{i});
if row == 1 & col == 20
b = [b A{i}];

manon bess
manon bess on 20 Jun 2019
Thanks, I made it!
but how do we get the values instead of the idx?

Akshay Malav
Akshay Malav on 20 Jun 2019
So let's say A is the cell array and you want to access it's 4th element then you can do A{4} . And now if you want to access let's say 6th element of A{4} then you can do A{4}{6}
Hope it helps

manon bess
manon bess on 4 Jul 2019
yes, but there are " cells".. so I like to get the values.

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