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Concatenating cell arrays with a different number of columns

2 views (last 30 days)
I have a 64x1 cell array that looks like this, I would like to vertically concatenate the cells in this array, and pad the rows with less columns with zeros blah.PNG

Accepted Answer

Guillaume on 13 Jun 2019
Edited: Guillaume on 13 Jun 2019
maxcols = max(cellfun('size', NonC_tRNAs, 2)); %get the number of columns of the widest array
padded = cellfun(@(m) [m, zeros(size(m, 1), maxcols - size(m, 2))], NonC_tRNAs, 'UniformOutput', false); %pad each array
NonC_tRNAs_Reference = vertcat(padded{:})
mmfjerstad on 16 Mar 2020
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what is "m" in this instance?
padded = cellfun(@(m) [m, zeros(size(m, 1), maxcols - size(m, 2))], NonC_tRNAs, 'UniformOutput', false); %pad each array
Guillaume on 16 Mar 2020
" what is "m" in this instance?"
An arbitrary name for the input variable of the anonymous function called by cellfun. It will be in turn each element of the same array.

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