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Can you specify which value TestParameter properties take in a class-based unit performance test?

4 views (last 30 days)
E.g. say I have the following performance test class:
classdef MyPerftest < matlab.perftest.TestCase
properties (TestParameter)
A = {1,2,3}
B = {4,5,6}
methods (Test)
function myTest(testCase, A,B)
C = A+B;
Now in the command line, could I call it so that it executes the test using only the first value of A, and the first value of B? I know you can do this:
which will go through every combination of A and B, but is there a way to test only one combination at a time?

Answers (1)

Andy Campbell
Andy Campbell on 26 Dec 2019
Hello Jai,
Yes you can create the suite using the name of the indidivual test directly, or use other name/value pairs to select the test you want.
To see what the name of each test create the suite and look at the Name property:
>> s = testsuite('MyPerftest');
>> {s.Name}'
ans =
9×1 cell array
Note that since you only include the values of the paraemeter the names are not terribly descriptive. You can makeit more descriptive by using the struct form to create the parameters which allows you to label each parameter point. For example:
classdef MyPerftest < matlab.perftest.TestCase
properties (TestParameter)
A = struct("small",1, "medium", 2, "large", 3);
B = createBParams;
methods (Test)
function myTest(testCase, A,B)
C = A+B;
function b = createBParams
b.first = 4;
b.middle = 5;
b.last = 6;
These labels are then used in the names and you can run them directly:
>> s = testsuite('MyPerftest');
ans =
9×1 cell array
{'MyPerftest/myTest(A=small,B=first)' }
{'MyPerftest/myTest(A=small,B=middle)' }
{'MyPerftest/myTest(A=small,B=last)' }
{'MyPerftest/myTest(A=medium,B=first)' }
{'MyPerftest/myTest(A=medium,B=last)' }
{'MyPerftest/myTest(A=large,B=first)' }
{'MyPerftest/myTest(A=large,B=middle)' }
{'MyPerftest/myTest(A=large,B=last)' }
>> runperf("MyPerftest/myTest(A=medium,B=last)")
Running MyPerftest
.......... .......... ..
Done MyPerftest
ans =
TimeResult with properties:
Name: 'MyPerftest/myTest(A=medium,B=last)'
Valid: 1
Samples: [18×7 table]
TestActivity: [22×12 table]
1 Valid, 0 Invalid.
0.023728 seconds testing time.

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