How to count the number of pixels of a certain color in an image?
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MathWorks Support Team
on 10 Sep 2018
Answered: MathWorks Support Team
on 14 May 2019
I have an image and I want to count the number of red pixels in an image. How do I do that?
Accepted Answer
MathWorks Support Team
on 15 May 2019
You can use logical indexing with the matrix of RGB values to determine which pixels are red. A "pure" red will have RGB value (255,0,0), but a red color may be considered within a range around that. To help illustrate, refer to the example code below. Note that you may need to tweak the precise pixel intensity thresholds for each channel, as per your application-specific requirements and approximated range for what is considered red and what is not.
%%Load image
rgb = imread('peppers.png');
%%Find red points
redPoints = rgb(:,:,1)>=130 & rgb(:,:,2)<=60 & rgb(:,:,3)<=100;
percentRed = 100*(sum(sum(redPoints))/(size(rgb,1)*size(rgb,2)));
fprintf('Image has %d red pixels\n',sum(sum(redPoints)))
fprintf('Image is %.2f percent red\n',percentRed)
%%Highlight red on image
rgbRed = uint8(cat(3,redPoints,redPoints,redPoints)).*rgb;
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