'Layer 1' is not a valid model name because it is not a valid MATLAB function name

75 views (last 30 days)
What does it mean is not a valid MATLAB function name? When I first generated a neural network with matlab 'Layer 1' name was autogenerated. How can i resolve this ? If I rename somehow the block name is enough or this may mean something else too?
Thanks in advance,

Accepted Answer

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 29 Apr 2019
Edited: Fangjun Jiang on 29 Apr 2019
remove the white space. call it "Layer1" or "Layer_1"
mar gian
mar gian on 4 May 2019
"Perhaps you are attempting to somehow invoke a layer directly as-if it were a model? For example you cannot open_system() a block directly: you have to open_system() the block qualified by the model name"
Yes, I went through the code again and I found out that I had done this exact thing...
And even I renamed the block when autogenerated it kept showing errors. Anyway I changed that and now works fine.
MANY THANKS to both of you who responded and spend some amount of time !!!!!

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