Highlight/shade points in a scatter plot of a semi-transparent patch

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I have a scatter point with datapoints from different categories. I would like to highlight each category with a semi-transparent patch, as a "guide for the eye". Until now, I was drawing an ellipse to achieve this. This works only partly good, especially if the data points lie on a bent curve.
Also, an automated fashion to "cluster" those points would be nice.
Attached you see a version with ellipses, as it is right now... Especially the yellow part would be nice to be "banana-like" bent
Adam on 6 Feb 2019
What is your actual question? An automated clustering algorithm that considers all those yellow points to be in the same group, and comes up with some kind of banana-shaped group to define that would not be trivial. But you said the data come from categories so are they not automatically clustered anyway, as in your plot above?
Tom DeLonge
Tom DeLonge on 6 Feb 2019
Sorry for not being clear. The data is clustered. I just want to highlight each cluster. The "algorithm" should just draw a smooth patch around that cluster.

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