Unable to change InitialPopulationMatrix in GA problem options
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I have a problem called fopt; in fopt.options, fopt.options.InitialPopulationMatrix = [];
fopt.options.InitialPopulationMatrix = 'doubleVector'; and finally, fopt.options.PopulationSize = 340 and
fopt.nvars = 11. So, I have a script where I define a variable w of size 340x11 and then set:
fopt.options.InitialPopulationMatrix = w
Matlab replies with
Invalid value for OPTIONS parameter InitialPopulationMatrix: must be a two-dimensional matrix.
I've tried everything I can to find the proble, but to no avail. Even setting the line just before
fopt.options.InitialPopulationMatrix = w
ans =
340 11
and ismatrix(w) returns 1..... I've never had any issues setting this property before, so any help greatly appreciated.
Geoff Hayes
on 1 Feb 2019
Tom - how is w initialized? Could it be a cell array which would return the same above answers (for size and ismatrix)?
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