How to find the equivalent transfer function(poles and zeros) having the Body diagram ?

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello everyone,
I have an Excel file where there are the datas expressed with frequency and gain steps, therefore a body diagram.
After having plotted it on Excel, they have a 'high pass' behaviour, so I would find the equivalent poles and zeros(and transfer function) with Matlab giving it the Excel datas.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance.
Ryan on 20 Jul 2012
Determining the transfer function from the bode plots of the frequency response is a theory question in my opinion and not Matlab related. This should help you get started either way:

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Answers (1)

Craig on 20 Jul 2012
The System Identification Toolbox has functions that estimate a transfer function from freqeuncy response data. For example the tfest command.

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