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i am doing a face recognition project and i want to use pca for feature extraction..

4 views (last 30 days)
i did the database entry but i wanna extract the features and also i wanna connect my laptop camera to the code via gui to take a snapshot to be my desired image that i want to compare to my database.

Answers (4)

Surbhi Pillai
Surbhi Pillai on 26 Dec 2018
I would recommend you to use the 'pca' function available in MATLAB for Principal Companent Analysis of raw data. The documentation link corresponding to 'pca' function is attached hereby:
Further, you can create a 'webcam' object to acquire images from you laptop camera. The documentation link for the same is available below:
I hope this helps......

Aya Ahmed
Aya Ahmed on 28 Mar 2020
Edited: Aya Ahmed on 28 Mar 2020
Face recognition using PCA
This program recognizes a face from a database of human faces using PCA. The principal components are projected onto the eigenspace to find the eigenfaces and an unknown face is recognized from the minimum euclidean distance of projection onto all the face classes.
facerecog(datapath,testimg) :
%%%% By Kalyan Sourav Dash %%%%
function [recognized_img]=facerecog(datapath,testimg)
% In this part of function, we align a set of face images (the training set x1, x2, ... , xM )
% This means we reshape all 2D images of the training database
% into 1D column vectors. Then, it puts these 1D column vectors in a row to
% construct 2D matrix 'X'.
% datapath - path of the data images used for training
% X - A 2D matrix, containing all 1D image vectors.
% Suppose all P images in the training database
% have the same size of MxN. So the length of 1D
% column vectors is MxN and 'X' will be a (MxN)xP 2D matrix.
%%%%%%%%% finding number of training images in the data path specified as argument %%%%%%%%%%
D = dir(datapath); % D is a Lx1 structure with 4 fields as: name,date,byte,isdir of all L files present in the directory 'datapath'
imgcount = 0;
for i=1 : size(D,1)
if not(strcmp(D(i).name,'.')|strcmp(D(i).name,'..')|strcmp(D(i).name,'Thumbs.db'))
imgcount = imgcount + 1; % Number of all images in the training database
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% creating the image matrix X %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
X = [];
for i = 1 : imgcount
str = strcat(datapath,'\',int2str(i),'.jpg');
img = imread(str);
img = rgb2gray(img);
[r c] = size(img);
temp = reshape(img',r*c,1); %% Reshaping 2D images into 1D image vectors
%% here img' is used because reshape(A,M,N) function reads the matrix A columnwise
%% where as an image matrix is constructed with first N pixels as first row,next N in second row so on
X = [X temp]; %% X,the image matrix with columnsgetting added for each image
% Now we calculate m, A and eigenfaces.The descriptions are below :
% m - (MxN)x1 Mean of the training images
% A - (MxN)xP Matrix of image vectors after each vector getting subtracted from the mean vector m
% eigenfaces - (MxN)xP' P' Eigenvectors of Covariance matrix (C) of training database X
% where P' is the number of eigenvalues of C that best represent the feature set
%%%%% calculating mean image vector %%%%%
m = mean(X,2); % Computing the average face image m = (1/P)*sum(Xj's) (j = 1 : P)
imgcount = size(X,2);
%%%%%%%% calculating A matrix, i.e. after subtraction of all image vectors from the mean image vector %%%%%%
A = [];
for i=1 : imgcount
temp = double(X(:,i)) - m;
A = [A temp];
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CALCULATION OF EIGENFACES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% we know that for a MxN matrix, the maximum number of non-zero eigenvalues that its covariance matrix can have
%%% is min[M-1,N-1]. As the number of dimensions (pixels) of each image vector is very high compared to number of
%%% test images here, so number of non-zero eigenvalues of C will be maximum P-1 (P being the number of test images)
%%% if we calculate eigenvalues & eigenvectors of C = A*A' , then it will be very time consuming as well as memory.
%%% so we calculate eigenvalues & eigenvectors of L = A'*A , whose eigenvectors will be linearly related to eigenvectors of C.
%%% these eigenvectors being calculated from non-zero eigenvalues of C, will represent the best feature sets.
L= A' * A;
[V,D]=eig(L); %% V : eigenvector matrix D : eigenvalue matrix
%%%% again we use Kaiser's rule here to find how many Principal Components (eigenvectors) to be taken
%%%% if corresponding eigenvalue is greater than 1, then the eigenvector will be chosen for creating eigenface
L_eig_vec = [];
for i = 1 : size(V,2)
if( D(i,i) > 1 )
L_eig_vec = [L_eig_vec V(:,i)];
%%% finally the eigenfaces %%%
eigenfaces = A * L_eig_vec;
%In this part of recognition, we compare two faces by projecting the images into facespace and
% measuring the Euclidean distance between them.
% recogimg - the recognized image name
% testimg - the path of test image
% m - mean image vector
% A - mean subtracted image vector matrix
% eigenfaces - eigenfaces that are calculated from eigenface function
%%%%%%% finding the projection of each image vector on the facespace (where the eigenfaces are the co-ordinates or dimensions) %%%%%
projectimg = [ ]; % projected image vector matrix
for i = 1 : size(eigenfaces,2)
temp = eigenfaces' * A(:,i);
projectimg = [projectimg temp];
%%%%% extractiing PCA features of the test image %%%%%
test_image = imread(testimg);
test_image = test_image(:,:,1);
[r c] = size(test_image);
temp = reshape(test_image',r*c,1); % creating (MxN)x1 image vector from the 2D image
temp = double(temp)-m; % mean subtracted vector
projtestimg = eigenfaces'*temp; % projection of test image onto the facespace
%%%%% calculating & comparing the euclidian distance of all projected trained images from the projected test image %%%%%
euclide_dist = [ ];
for i=1 : size(eigenfaces,2)
temp = (norm(projtestimg-projectimg(:,i)))^2;
euclide_dist = [euclide_dist temp];
[euclide_dist_min recognized_index] = min(euclide_dist);
recognized_img = strcat(int2str(recognized_index),'.jpg');

Aya Ahmed
Aya Ahmed on 28 Mar 2020
Edited: Aya Ahmed on 28 Mar 2020
face_recognition :
%%% face recognition by Kalyan Sourav Dash %%%
clear all
close all
%%%%%%% provide the data path where the training images are present %%%%%%%
%%% if your matlab environment doesn't support 'uigetdir' function
%%% change those lines in code for datapath and testpath as :
% datapath = 'give here the path of your training images';
% testpath = 'similarly give the path for test images';
datapath = uigetdir('C:\Documents and Settings\KsDash\My Documents\MATLAB','select path of training images');
testpath = uigetdir('C:\Documents and Settings\KsDash\My Documents\MATLAB','select path of test images');
prompt = {'Enter test image name (a number between 1 to 10):'};
dlg_title = 'Input of PCA-Based Face Recognition System';
num_lines= 1;
def = {' '};
TestImage = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,def);
TestImage = strcat(testpath,'\',char(TestImage),'.jpg');
%%%%%%%%%%%%% calling the functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
recog_img = facerecog(datapath,TestImage);
selected_img = strcat(datapath,'\',recog_img);
select_img = imread(selected_img);
title('Recognized Image');
test_img = imread(TestImage);
title('Test Image');
result = strcat('the recognized image is : ',recog_img);

aicha on 25 May 2024
clear all
close all
%%%%%%% provide the data path where the training images are present %%%%%%%
%%% if your matlab environment doesn't support 'uigetdir' function
%%% change those lines in code for datapath and testpath as :
% datapath = 'give here the path of your training images';
% testpath = 'similarly give the path for test images';
datapath = uigetdir('C:\Documents and Settings\KsDash\My Documents\MATLAB','select path of training images');
testpath = uigetdir('C:\Documents and Settings\KsDash\My Documents\MATLAB','select path of test images');
prompt = {'Enter test image name (a number between 1 to 10):'};
dlg_title = 'Input of PCA-Based Face Recognition System';
num_lines= 1;
def = {' '};
TestImage = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,def);
TestImage = strcat(testpath,'\',char(TestImage),'.jpg');
%%%%%%%%%%%%% calling the functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
recog_img = facerecog(datapath,TestImage);
selected_img = strcat(datapath,'\',recog_img);
select_img = imread(selected_img);
title('Recognized Image');
test_img = imread(TestImage);
title('Test Image');
result = strcat('the recognized image is : ',recog_img);
function [recognized_img]=facerecog(datapath,testimg)
% In this part of function, we align a set of face images (the training set x1, x2, ... , xM )
% This means we reshape all 2D images of the training database
% into 1D column vectors. Then, it puts these 1D column vectors in a row to
% construct 2D matrix 'X'.
% datapath - path of the data images used for training
% X - A 2D matrix, containing all 1D image vectors.
% Suppose all P images in the training database
% have the same size of MxN. So the length of 1D
% column vectors is MxN and 'X' will be a (MxN)xP 2D matrix.
%%%%%%%%% finding number of training images in the data path specified as argument %%%%%%%%%%
D = dir(datapath); % D is a Lx1 structure with 4 fields as: name,date,byte,isdir of all L files present in the directory 'datapath'
imgcount = 0;
for i=1 : size(D,1)
if not(strcmp(D(i).name,'.')|strcmp(D(i).name,'..')|strcmp(D(i).name,'Thumbs.db'))
imgcount = imgcount + 1; % Number of all images in the training database
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% creating the image matrix X %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
X = [];
for i = 1 : imgcount
str = strcat(datapath,'\',int2str(i),'.jpg');
img = imread(str);
img = rgb2gray(img);
[r c] = size(img);
temp = reshape(img',r*c,1); %% Reshaping 2D images into 1D image vectors
%% here img' is used because reshape(A,M,N) function reads the matrix A columnwise
%% where as an image matrix is constructed with first N pixels as first row,next N in second row so on
X = [X temp]; %% X,the image matrix with columnsgetting added for each image
% Now we calculate m, A and eigenfaces.The descriptions are below :
% m - (MxN)x1 Mean of the training images
% A - (MxN)xP Matrix of image vectors after each vector getting subtracted from the mean vector m
% eigenfaces - (MxN)xP' P' Eigenvectors of Covariance matrix (C) of training database X
% where P' is the number of eigenvalues of C that best represent the feature set
%%%%% calculating mean image vector %%%%%
m = mean(X,2); % Computing the average face image m = (1/P)*sum(Xj's) (j = 1 : P)
imgcount = size(X,2);
%%%%%%%% calculating A matrix, i.e. after subtraction of all image vectors from the mean image vector %%%%%%
A = [];
for i=1 : imgcount
temp = double(X(:,i)) - m;
A = [A temp];
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CALCULATION OF EIGENFACES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% we know that for a MxN matrix, the maximum number of non-zero eigenvalues that its covariance matrix can have
%%% is min[M-1,N-1]. As the number of dimensions (pixels) of each image vector is very high compared to number of
%%% test images here, so number of non-zero eigenvalues of C will be maximum P-1 (P being the number of test images)
%%% if we calculate eigenvalues & eigenvectors of C = A*A' , then it will be very time consuming as well as memory.
%%% so we calculate eigenvalues & eigenvectors of L = A'*A , whose eigenvectors will be linearly related to eigenvectors of C.
%%% these eigenvectors being calculated from non-zero eigenvalues of C, will represent the best feature sets.
L= A' * A;
[V,D]=eig(L); %% V : eigenvector matrix D : eigenvalue matrix
%%%% again we use Kaiser's rule here to find how many Principal Components (eigenvectors) to be taken
%%%% if corresponding eigenvalue is greater than 1, then the eigenvector will be chosen for creating eigenface
L_eig_vec = [];
for i = 1 : size(V,2)
if( D(i,i) > 1 )
L_eig_vec = [L_eig_vec V(:,i)];
%%% finally the eigenfaces %%%
eigenfaces = A * L_eig_vec;
%In this part of recognition, we compare two faces by projecting the images into facespace and
% measuring the Euclidean distance between them.
% recogimg - the recognized image name
% testimg - the path of test image
% m - mean image vector
% A - mean subtracted image vector matrix
% eigenfaces - eigenfaces that are calculated from eigenface function
%%%%%%% finding the projection of each image vector on the facespace (where the eigenfaces are the co-ordinates or dimensions) %%%%%
projectimg = [ ]; % projected image vector matrix
for i = 1 : size(eigenfaces,2)
temp = eigenfaces' * A(:,i);
projectimg = [projectimg temp];
%%%%% extractiing PCA features of the test image %%%%%
test_image = imread(testimg);
test_image = test_image(:,:,1);
[r c] = size(test_image);
temp = reshape(test_image',r*c,1); % creating (MxN)x1 image vector from the 2D image
temp = double(temp)-m; % mean subtracted vector
projtestimg = eigenfaces'*temp; % projection of test image onto the facespace
%%%%% calculating & comparing the euclidian distance of all projected trained images from the projected test image %%%%%
euclide_dist = [ ];
for i=1 : size(eigenfaces,2)
temp = (norm(projtestimg-projectimg(:,i)))^2;
euclide_dist = [euclide_dist temp];
[euclide_dist_min recognized_index] = min(euclide_dist);
recognized_img = strcat(int2str(recognized_index),'.jpg');




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