Plotting matrices that don't have the same size

17 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to plot two matrices it doesn't work.
matrix_1 is a 181x1 matrix with different values, I am trying to plot these values and also get a line fitted on the same plot, I tried polyfit as well but it doesn't work.
Message diplayed:
"Error using plot
Vectors must be the same length."
Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson on 29 Nov 2018
Edited: Bob Thompson on 29 Nov 2018
Yes, matlab is expecting coordinate pairs.
How is your data related? X appears to be years, but should there be one set of results for each year, or is there some other correlation?
Samy Ben Thabet
Samy Ben Thabet on 29 Nov 2018
Oh right my bad. I guess I made a mistake somewhere in my code I will try to fix that.
Thank you!

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Answers (1)

Ken Atwell
Ken Atwell on 30 Nov 2018
When calling plot, the length of the x,y pairs must be equal. Here is an example of a plot of x^2 with noise added, then then a polyfit to that data:
f=polyfit(x, y, 2); % Returns coefficients, not y values directly
fy = f(1).*x.^2 + f(2).*x + f(3);
  1 Comment
Akira Agata
Akira Agata on 30 Nov 2018
Edited: Akira Agata on 30 Nov 2018
If these two matrices are not the same size but matrix_1 is a sampled data from x = 1941 to 2010 with some fixed sampling frequency, adjusting length of x with linspace function would be possible solution. Here is an example.
x = 1941:2010;
y = matrix_1;
xInterp = linspace(min(x),max(x),numel(y));

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