LaTeX interpreter but sans-serif font on figures
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On LaTeX I often use the
font when I want to have a clean, sans-serif font both in the text and in the mathematical formula I write.
In order to have an homogeneous result between my figures and the text, I would like the text in my figures (labels, axis ticks, title, annotations...) to be as well in this font.
Unfortunately so far on Matlab, when using the LaTeX interpreter, only the default font is available. I would like to be able to write both text and mathematical formulas in a sans-serif font (and the same for both text and math) on the figures I plot.
Is it possible?
I am on Mac OS 10.14.1 (Matlab 2018a) and also on Ubuntu 18.10 (Matlab 2018b).
Thank you for your help!
Answers (1)
Prakhar Jain
on 16 Nov 2018
Hi LeChat,
In order to change font for any text object you just need to set the 'Interpreter' property to 'latex'. As shown below:
xlabel('$$\int_0^x\!\int_y dF(u,v)$$','Interpreter','latex');
If you want to have tick labels also follow link below:
Hope this helps.
Marshall Styczinski
on 30 Sep 2020
Edited: Marshall Styczinski
on 30 Sep 2020
This is Matlab in a nutshell. It does everything, but it does nothing well.
I have the same problem, and I have been researching a solution to this problem for several hours. Add one to the list of reasons I will continue to push my collaborators to move to other languages/platforms. It ends up being easier to mate multiple other languages than to try to get Matlab to do the one thing I need well enough.
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