How to split the imageInputLayer?

2 views (last 30 days)
Isa El Doori
Isa El Doori on 8 Nov 2018
Commented: ihssane houhou on 3 Jul 2019
Hi all,
I have created this (dummy-)network and was wondering if it would be possible to have a 4-channel input layer, where I use 3 channels for one side of the network, and the remaining channel for the other side of the network?
  1 Comment
ihssane houhou
ihssane houhou on 3 Jul 2019
hello lsa,
Actually I am asking the same question, and I couldent find any answer, did find any trik to do that, I geuss they should update the toolbox to be able to use two inputs in the same time.
we may can help each other in this, feel free to contact me if you want
here my email: or
best regards

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