I think I can pose a better, more specific question now.
I'm trying to run an Arduino Uno device through MATLAB. The Arduino is connected to a circuit board that has a Bosch BME 280 environmental sensor to measure the ambient pressure, temperature, and relative humidity. The guy who was in charge of this project before me got the sensor to work in Arduino code by downloading a .cpp and a .h file from GitHub (the files are a few years old, so they're not from here, but I guess they basically do the same thing).
I want MATLAB to read and save the data from this sensor. I understand that you're supposed to start from here. The add-on package folder is simple enough. For the MATLAB add-on class, I made the .m file, and I think I transferred over the commandID's correctly (they were in the .h file). When I get to the Library Specification part, there's a line for "DependentLibaries". The header file includes "Arduino.h", <Adafruit_Sensor.h> and <Wire.h> -- are these the dependent libraries I list in the .m file? For the second one, I have a Adafruit_Sensor.h file in my Arduino folder, but where does it go in the MATLAB add-on folder? What am I supposed to do about the "Arduino.h" and <Wire.h> things? I don't understand what's going on in the CppClassName line -- what is this supposed to be?
That's it for now, once I get past this I'll have some more questions about the next section.