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store end values of an array in a nexted loop

2 views (last 30 days)
fadams18 on 22 Oct 2018
Closed: MATLAB Answer Bot on 20 Aug 2021
i have this code below. I do 20 simulations and load them. For every simulation the RRE is 1x5000 (preallocated size). But i only need end values. so i pick them with RRE_MU_R1(end);I want to find the mean of all the end values from the 20 simulations and store them in an array. And all this needs to be repeated for every value of MV.
for MV = .1:.1:.2
for i=1:20
load( ['output/MU_R_',mat_size,'_',int2str(100*MV),'_',int2str(i),'.mat'], 'RRE_MU_R') //load data
RRE_MU_R1=nonzeros(RRE_MU_R); //remove zeros
rRE_MU_R(i) =RRE_MU_R1(end);

Answers (1)

madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 22 Oct 2018
After the loops:
fadams18 on 22 Oct 2018
Its 20. so after the mean, i have just one value. then i want to do same for the next value of mv=0.2. because i want to plot a graph of mean(RRE) vs MV values

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