SuiteSparse Installation: Cannot open include file: 'regex.h'

7 views (last 30 days)
I am having issues installing SuiteSparse in Matlab. I am using the 5.3 version, downloaded from, and using the Visual Studio 2017 C++ compiler. When I run SuiteSparse_install, I get the following error:
c:\users\dylan\documents\school\masters\suitesparse\metis-5.1.0\gklib\GKlib.h(68): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'regex.h': No such file or directory
And UMFPACK, KLU, CHOLMOD, SuiteSparseQR fail to install. Has anyone got any experience with this, or could point me in the right direction for assistance? I need the sparse2 and spqr functions for my code, as I have a very large over-determined, sparse system to solve, and it is giving Matlab's mldivide a rough time. Thanks!
Jorge Barrasa Fano
Jorge Barrasa Fano on 6 Mar 2019
Hi Dylan,
Thanks for your reply :) I ended up doing the same and it worked.
Humberto Brambila de Salles
Dylan, you are the real MVP! I've been trying this for so long! Thank you so much!!

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Answers (1)

Royi Avital
Royi Avital on 25 Apr 2019
Edited: Royi Avital on 16 May 2020
Why would you need SuiteSparse in MATLAB?
I though MATLAB uses SuiteSparse to begin with.
Dylan Zaluski
Dylan Zaluski on 16 May 2020
This really depends on your situation, and the structure of your matrix. It has faster cholesky decomposition functions, as well as a faster QR method. For my own work, I needed the spqr_solve function for solving least-squares problems, and the performance benefit was substantial. You'll just need to try it out for yourself and see if it provides a speedup. It is very easy to install and use. Check the documentation out to find out if it has what you need. And no, it does not provide any improved Mat Vec or Mat Mat product functions. Check out the Intel MKL BLAS library for that.
Royi Avital
Royi Avital on 31 May 2020
Dylan, MATLAB uses SuiteSparse for QR of Sprase Matrices to begin with (It's built in). It also uses MKL for BLAS things. Could you show a sample code you get improvement from?

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