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Comparing elements in one matrix in a loop

4 views (last 30 days)
Hi All,
I have a large matrix with one column containing only values. I want to make a loop and compare every time if the average of 2nd and 1st value is < than a predifined value. When the average of i and j value is > than the predifined value, to show as a result i and j. Thanks in advance!

Accepted Answer

KALYAN ACHARJYA on 18 Sep 2018
Edited: KALYAN ACHARJYA on 18 Sep 2018
A=randi(30,20,1); %Random Matrix for Example
th=12; %Some Predefined value
[rows colm]=size(A);
for i=1:rows-1
if c > th
fprintf('The i is: %d and the next row i+1 value is: %d \n',i,i+1);
KALYAN ACHARJYA on 18 Sep 2018
Edited: KALYAN ACHARJYA on 18 Sep 2018
The first one only case. I have edited the answer, the added break statement. Please check.
Other c condition also possible, can you clarify more.
Ancalagon8 on 18 Sep 2018
Edited: Ancalagon8 on 18 Sep 2018
for example doing inside the loop the calculation to find c gives a 2-digit-result like
(11+10)/2= 10.5, ....... ,
....., (46+38)/2=42,
(468+46)/2=257 <-- so here break as the result has 3 digits

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