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How to find the next position of an object in an image based on the displacement of nearby objects?

2 views (last 30 days)
I have 2 images, or let's say 2 frames( first one: reference image) obtained from a shaky video. The second frame is different from the first because of the vibration/shake. I want to find the pixel position of an object in the 2nd frame using the displacement/ distance between the pixels of other objects(like some markers) in these images.
What I did is I calculate the distance between the pixel positions of selected points in the 1st and 2nd images(same objects). But this distance are not the same and i cannot make an equation using this distance to find the (x2,y2) co-ordinates of the required object. How can I proceed further?
%%Input video file which needs to be stabilized.
filename = 'SS-75_zoom_Trim.mp4';
videoFReader = vision.VideoFileReader(filename, ...
'ImageColorSpace', 'RGB',...
'VideoOutputDataType', 'double');
%Create a video player object to play the video file
videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer;
img1=step(videoFReader); % obtain the first frame
img2=step(videoFReader); % second frame
[Ax,Ay] = getpts; %select points in image 1
[Bx,By] = getpts; %select the same point sin image 2
for i=1:3
dis(i) = hypot((Bx(i)-Ax(i)), (By(i)-Ay(i))); % calculate distance

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 9 Sep 2018
Try imregister() or imtranslate().




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