Matlab multiple ploting in one figure from function

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I wrote a function that plot a function y(t) using 4 input argument.
function plot_me_n1(A,B,m1,m2)
t = linspace(0,10,10/0.01);
y=A*exp(-m1*t) - B*exp(-m2*t);
title('equation', 'fontsize', 10);
Now I'm creating another function that pass to plot_me_n1 function multiple variable to create multiple plots.
hold all
arrayfun(@(a,b) plot_me_n1(a,b,m1,m2),A, B);
hold off
The problem is that it display only the last plot, while I'm trying to achieve to display multiple plots at the same time. Important to mention, I cant move plot() into outside the function because I want to keep plot_me_n1 function possible to work by itself not dependently on other scripts. So how to make possible to display all plots at the same time in one figure? Any refactoring comments on how to make those code better is welcome. Thanks.
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes on 10 Sep 2018
It looks from your first three images, that there is overlap between the second two images and the first. Can you confirm this? I was able to verify that there were three lines/plots in the my output when running the script...
Alex Mike
Alex Mike on 10 Sep 2018
actually I just realize it, You are right, there are overlap.... Thank you so much...

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Answers (1)

Daksh on 2 Feb 2023
There seems to be a direct overlap of graph lines in plot figures. The simplest workaround is to display the lines in different colors and you should be able to differentiate all output plots:
Hope it helps!


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