How do I get frequency response as values from multibandParametricEQ System object?
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I cant visualize the response using visualize(mPEQ). But I want "values" as [h,w]. How do I get?
Accepted Answer
Kei Otsuka
on 24 Aug 2018
To extract frequency response, modifying or adding your own function to multibandParametricEQ.m might be helpful.
For example, you can use computefreqz, one of the dsp.util.FilterVisualizer object function to calculate frequency response within a multibandParametricEQ.
#1. Add following to visualize function defined in multibandParametricEQ.m
fVector = logspace(log10(20),log10(Fs/2),NFFT);
H = obj.visualObj.computefreqz(coeffs, fVector', Fs);
data = 20*log10(abs(H));
#2. Add output arguments to visualize function
function [data, fVector] = visualize(obj,NFFT)
#3. Confirm if modified method works
mPEQ = multibandParametricEQ(...
[h, w] = visualize(mPEQ)
figure, semilogx(w,h)
ax = gca;
ax.YLim = [-25 25];
ax.XLim = [20 44100/2];
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
grid on
grid minor
Kei Otsuka
on 25 Aug 2018
That's great, thanks for sharing your experience with us.

The error you run into was because dsp.util.FilterVisualizer is not available on R2016a. This is just FYI, but you can use freqz instead like this;
fVector = logspace(log10(20),log10(Fs/2),NFFT);
H = freqz(coeffs{1}, [1;coeffs{2}], fVector', Fs);
data = 20*log10(abs(H));
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