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persistence of path when using mfilename

3 views (last 30 days)
Brian on 3 Aug 2018
Commented: Image Analyst on 4 Aug 2018
I have a script within a subfolder which is trying to reference the parent directory (two levels up), but am getting some unexpected behavior:
function varargout = myfun(varargin)
[myDir,~,~] = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); %this function directory
mainScriptDir = fullfile(myDir,'..','..'); %main script directory
%end myfun.m
the first time I run this I get something like
myDir = ...\parentDir\sub1\sub2 (myfun is located in sub2)
and the main script directory is '...\parentDir\..\..' which would be what I expect.
Subsequent calls yield:
myDir = ...\parentDir\sub1\sub2\..\..\sub1\sub2
myDir = ...\parentDir\sub1\sub2\..\..\sub1\sub2\..\..\sub1\sub2
Why does the path persist and continue to append with subsequent calls? Shouldn't the myfun workspace reset with each call? Is there a function I need to call to reset this behavior when using relative paths?
Thank you for your help!
Brian on 3 Aug 2018
No, nor does it seem to matter whether I call myfun from sub2,mainScriptDir, or some other folder.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Aug 2018
Are you using mainScriptDir to construct a filename that you run() ?

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Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 3 Aug 2018
You aren't calling cd() in your program anywhere are you?
Brian on 3 Aug 2018
Not currently, but eventually yes.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 4 Aug 2018
I wouldn't. And you'll probably have to attach the script that demonstrates the problem, because it doesn't make sense.

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