I've been trying to connect adams with simulink using adams controll plugin
and i dealt with different errors from simulink, and sometimes simulnk crashed without any error displayed.
finally i solved it by observing these notes:
1. pick a good "working directory" in your adams model. so you better not to set your working directory inside adams software or adams instalation file directory. also no extera files should be in that folder, just your adams model simulink files and those files created by adams controll should be there. you can change working directory in your model choose: files - select directory.
2. in adams controll plant setting, do not write anything for "user define library name" just keep it blank. also the "adams Host name" must be the name of your computer in case your model created on another computer, you should change it.
3. if you have this error in adams: "There are (number of) objects named "character" in the database", you just need to run a simple simulation to renew it.
4. if you built connection files using adams controll plant in the past you cannot built it again since adams dosen't remove previous files, you should remove all the previous files and/or other adams control project files then press ok.
5. DO NOT PRESS SAVE IN adams_sys.slx I did that once and it corrupt my adams instalation files (if you have same problem, go to 8) . you better not run it, just copy the orange block in your simulink model.
6. before runing simulink model make sure matlab current folder is your working directory. if not, you should run the m file built by adams and then press "change folder".
7. sometimes adams version and matlab version are not Compatible. (I tried to connect adams 2020 with matlab 2014 and failed but adams 2020 with matlab 2016 worked properly.)
8. if you think you might damaged your adams files. you can repair it with adams CD or Installation file.
9. some of my notes are not needed so if you run the simulink without error you don't need to change anything else so good luck.