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Hello.I am trying to use the fsolve in matlb. In order to that i created a function that gives me an error of not enough input argument . apart from x,the remaining input arguments are constant matrices

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function F = CS(x,V,W,Z,center,left,right,j,v,w,z,R,L)
F = [ ((v*V) \ (v*(center-(W*r + Z*s)) + v*((left- (W*r + Z*s)*b - j*d)*b) + v*((right- (W*r + Z*s)*g - j*h)*g)) (1/1+(b^2 + g^2)))-a; ((w*W)\( w(center-(V*a + Z*s)) + w*((left- (V*a + Z*s)*b -j*d)*b)+ w*((right- (V*a + Z*s)*g - j*h)*g)) *(1/1+(b^2 + g^2)))-r;
((z*Z)\(z*(center-(V*a + W*r)) + z * ((left- (V*a + W*r)*b - j*d)*b) + z*((right-(V*a + W*r)*g - j*h)*g)) *(1/1+(b^2 + g^2)))-s;
(((a'*v + r'*w + s'*z)*(V*a + W*r + Z*s))\(L*(V*a + W*r + Z*s)-(a'*v+ r'*w + s'*z)*j*d)) -b;
(((a'*v + r'*w + s'*z)*(V*a + W*r + Z*s))\(R*(V*a + W*r + Z*s )-(a'*v + r'*w + s'*z)*j*h)) -g;
((L*j - (a'*v + r'*w + s'*z)*j*b)/5) -d ;
((R*j - (a'*v + r'*w + s'*z)*j*g)/5)-h;]

Answers (1)

KALYAN ACHARJYA on 11 Jun 2018
Edited: KALYAN ACHARJYA on 11 Jun 2018
here all following parameters as inputs
if you want the only x as input, define following terms within the function body, not in CS(.......)

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