how to remove green pixels after background removal using color thresholder app in matlab?

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i do plant disease detection and classification.i need a code to remove green pixels in matlab.i have done background removal using color thredholder app in do i continue.Then,how to extract features using glcm.please help me for code this two.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 12 May 2018
What does "remove" mean to you? Set green pixels to zero (black)? Extract into an array with only those pixels in it? Something else???
Yoon ThiriZaw
Yoon ThiriZaw on 15 May 2018
I mean green pixels remove- "the pixels where the level of green is higher than red and blue are identified and remove by application of the mask.These green pixels most probably represent healthy areas in the leaves. Thus,after removing the background and green pixels,the region left in an image is the region of our interest" said in my thesis reference paper. Then, how do i continue? Please,answer me! Thank u Image Analyst!You are great!!!

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Answers (1)

xiao on 12 May 2018
you can set the pixel value which is (0,255,0) zero or 255, then you can do your remove. (or directly by finding out (0,255,0) )


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