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please help to solve this error " In an assignment A(:) = B, the number of elements in A and B must be the same." . code is attached in zip file.

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please help to solve this error " In an assignment A(:) = B, the number of elements in A and B must be the same." . code is attached in zip file.
  1 Comment
Wick on 4 May 2018
can you help me how can i solve this problem. because i tried a lot to solve this one but could not got successs.
Since x_stage1 has two elements, you may only assign one to x_temp(stage). So it could be
x_temp(stage) = abs(x_temp1(1)).*y;
For example. Whether you pick the first or second element - or whether you need to assign both to x_temp in another way is up to you to decide.

Accepted Answer

Wick on 4 May 2018
You're trying to assign a [1, 2] vector to a [1, 1] scalar.
x_temp(stage) = abs(x_temp1).*y;
'stage' is a single value, so x_temp(stage) is also going to be a single value. 'x_temp1' has a value of [-0.4825 - 0.0181i 0.2444 - 0.3996i] on the first loop. That's two complex elements. Taking the absolute value will yield [0.4828 0.4685] - still two elements.
Did you intend for the long string of numbers to not be assigned to anything? It looks like you wanted them to be assigned to y but only the first number actually is.

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