push botton

2 views (last 30 days)
Muhammad Arsalan
Muhammad Arsalan on 25 Mar 2011
I am writing a script and at some point i need to repeat the execution of a part of script. So i want to add a pus button in the process and the goal is when the user click the push button, that particular code should execute and do some calculations.
So wanna do something like following:
pb1 = uicontrol(figure1,'Style','pushbutton','String','Update',...
'Position',[40, 80, 120, 40]);
% Everytime user press "Update"
so on and so forth
I am not using any function in the script so when i try to use callback function for push button, i get some error messages.
Thanks for your help in advance.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Mar 2011
Matt's answers are the preferred ways, but he happened to overlook a possibility to do what you showed:
set(pb1, 'Callback', ...
['plot(subsref(load(''SomeMatFile'',''variable1''), ', ...
'struct(''type'', ''.'', ''subs'', ''variable1''))' ] );
That is, the Callback can be set to a string that will be executed in the "base workspace". The command indicated by the string loads variable1 from the file, and returns a structure array that has variable1 as a field name; the field is then extracted by the subsref call, and the data that results is then plotted by plot().
You might even be able to use a string that has multiple commands separated with ';', but I have not experimented with that myself. I avoid using this kind of callback construction, doing so only when the alternatives are worse.
  1 Comment
Muhammad Arsalan
Muhammad Arsalan on 26 Mar 2011
Thanks a lot Walter. I was exactly looking for the option you have showed above.

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More Answers (1)

Matt Fig
Matt Fig on 25 Mar 2011
You will either need to put the function in a separate M-file, or convert the script itself to a function so that the callback function is a subfunction.


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