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Stokes stream function for spherical system

12 views (last 30 days)
Steven Martin
Steven Martin on 8 Apr 2018
Edited: AHMAD TALAEI on 20 May 2021
Can anybody see where I am going wrong? Trying to produce a contour plot of the Stokes stream function with radial and polar velocity of u1 and u2.
Number_of_grid_points = 500;
scale = 200;
xx0 = -1; %minimum
xx = 1; %maximum
dx = (xx-xx0)/Number_of_grid_points; %step
a = 1; %radius
W = 1; %uniform velocity W along z axis
The = xx0:dx:xx;
R = The;
[the, r] = meshgrid(The,R);
u1 = (W * cos(the)).*(1 + (a^3)/(2*r^3) - (3*a)/(2*r)); %radial velocity
u2 = -(W * sin(the)).*(1 - (a^3)/(4*r^3) - (3*a)/(4*r)); %polar velocity
Z1 = u1 + u2 %velocity of fluid

Answers (1)

AHMAD TALAEI on 18 Oct 2019
Edited: AHMAD TALAEI on 18 Oct 2019
Use the following code. I found it online but did a few modifications to plot spherical stream function. For more info look at:
close all
clear all
V_0 = 1; % flow veloicty (m/s)
a = 1; % radius (m)
b = a*2;
c = -a*2;
n = a*15; % number of intervals
% the spherical coordinate solution for a falling sphere looking only at x-y plane (looking from side not top)
% Preliminar DATA & purification
for i = 1:length(x)
for k = 1:length(x)
if sqrt(x(i,k).^2 + y(i,k).^2) < a
x(i,k) = 0;
y(i,k) = 0;
% definition of polar variables
r = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2);
theta = atan2(y,x);
% creation of the streamline function
z = V_0.*sin(theta).*r.*(1-(a.^2./(r.^2))); % laminar stream function in polar coordinate
% stream line Plot
figure(1), contour(x,y,real(z),25,'Linewidth',2); hold on; axis square;
% circle plot
r = ones(1,n+1)*a;
t = (0:2*pi/n:2*pi);
% creation of vectors around the circle
figure(2), contour(x,y,abs(z),10); axis square;
% recreation of x,y
n = a*15; % number of intervals
[x,y] = meshgrid((c:(b-c)/n:b),(c:(b-c)/n:b)');
for i = 1:length(x)
for k = 1:length(x)
if sqrt(x(i,k).^2 + y(i,k).^2) < a
x(i,k) = 0;
y(i,k) = 0;
r = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2);
theta = atan2(y,x);
u_r = V_0 .* (1 - (3/2).*(a./r) + (1/2).*(a./r).^3) .* cos(theta); % laminar stream function in spherical coordinate
u_theta = - V_0 .* (1 - (3/4).*(a./r) - (1/4).*(a./r).^3) .* sin(theta); % laminar stream function in spherical coordinate
% velocities in x-y cordinates
u = u_r .* cos(theta) - u_theta .* sin(theta);
v = u_r .* sin(theta) + u_theta .* cos(theta);
% vectors plotting
figure(2); hold on
% creating The Filled Circle
t_r = (0:.1:2*pi);
xxx = a*cos(t_r);
yyy = a*sin(t_r);
fill(xxx,yyy,'y'); axis square
Harshit Anand
Harshit Anand on 20 May 2021
Hi, can you tell me how to plot the streamlines vertically? In my problem statement ball is falling vertically. So the streamline and vector field shoud be in upward direction.
AHMAD TALAEI on 20 May 2021
Edited: AHMAD TALAEI on 20 May 2021
Just contourplot z, which is the stream function. Also, notice that stream function is a scalar quantity, so it has no vertical component:
contour(x,y,real(z),'LineStyle','--','LineWidth',1.5,'LineColor',[0.5 0.5 0.5],'LevelStep',0.4);

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