Using MATLAB for median, quartil, interquartil span and resolution.

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0 down vote favorite I have a picture in MATLAB and decompositioned it to R, G and B channel. And now I need to figure out resolution, median, upper and lower quartil, interquartil span and modus.
Here is the code I use for it:
I = imread('image_S006_I0000.jpg');
[R S T] = size(I);
[x1 y1 z1] = size(I);
imgmedianR = median (Red(:))
imgmedianG = median (Green(:))
imgmedianB = median (Blue(:))
r025 = quantile(Red,0.25)
r075 = quantile(Red,0.75)
g025 = quantile(Green,0.25)
g075 = quantile(Green,0.75)
b025 = quantile(Blue,0.25)
b075 = quantile(Blue,0.75)
r_iqr = iqr(Red)
g_iqr = iqr(Green)
b_iqr = iqr(Blue)
modus_Red = mode(Red(:))
modus_Green = mode(Green(:))
modus_Blue = mode(Blue(:))
MEDIAN: When I try to count MEDIAN, it gives me a bunch of numbers (actually matlab prints out a number for each column separately). I need one number only. What have I done wrong there?
QUARTIL: The same problem as I have in code for MEDIAN. I need one number only. What have I done wrong there?
INTERQUARTIL SPAN: Matlab prints out subsequent error: Mixed integer class inputs are not supported. What have I done wrong?
RESOLUTION: I need to find out a resolution of the image using Matlab. I have tried out funciton imfinfo, but the info isn't included. How can I find such an information using any kind of Matlab function?
Thank you very much in advance!

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