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How can I do zero padding before IFFT? (matlab)

4 views (last 30 days)
ali on 20 Feb 2018
Commented: ali on 20 Feb 2018
I have an issue of applying IFFT in matlab.
I have signal in frequency domain (X(k)) with bandwidth (2−3)MHz. with with seperation freqency is 10khz and 101 point. So, in order to apply IFFT, i just wrote:
Xf= IFFT(X);
Then, i got symmetric figure.
I want to pad zeros before IFFT. can you help me?

Answers (1)

Abhishek Ballaney
Abhishek Ballaney on 20 Feb 2018
  1 Comment
ali on 20 Feb 2018
in basic level how many zeros i have to add and how long? and how ?

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