Run code through multiple excel files

3 views (last 30 days)
I have this code I have written to access a single excel file and go through specific columns and then count the number of non zero elements in that column, the code then prints each columns total in a new excel sheet. What I am trying to do is have this code run through multiple excel sheets doing the same thing but print out one output file - with each new row being the next participants results. Any help would be appreciated!
if true
% code
numData = xlsread('p_2.xlsx');
participantNumber = numData(2,1);
buttonAmount = numData(:,3);
Ar = nnz(buttonAmount);
buttonAmount2 = numData(:,4);
Br = nnz(buttonAmount2);
buttonAmount3 = numData(:,5);
Xr = nnz(buttonAmount3);
buttonAmount4 = numData(:,6);
Yr = nnz(buttonAmount4);
buttonAmount5 = numData(:,7);
RRr = nnz(buttonAmount5);
buttonAmount6 = numData(:,8);
ZRr = nnz(buttonAmount6);
buttonAmount7 = numData(:,9);
SBr = nnz(buttonAmount7);
buttonAmount8 = numData(:,10);
SLr = nnz(buttonAmount8);
buttonAmount9 = numData(:,11);
SRr = nnz(buttonAmount9);
buttonAmount10 = numData(:,12);
SXr = nnz(buttonAmount10);
sumPresses = Ar+Br+Xr+Yr+RRr+ZRr+SBr+SLr+SRr+SXr
writetable (T,fileName);

Accepted Answer

Are Mjaavatten
Are Mjaavatten on 19 Feb 2018
Edited: Are Mjaavatten on 19 Feb 2018
You could try something like this:
Names = {'participantNumber';'Ar';'Br';'Xr';'Yr';'RRr';'ZRr';'SBr';...
infiles = {'p_2.xlsx','p_3.xlsx','p_4.xlsx'};
for i = 1:length(infiles)
numData = xlsread(infiles{i});
cellname = [char(65+i),'1'];
<your stuff>
X = [participantNumber,Ar,Br,Xr,Yr,RRr,ZRr,SBr,SLr,SRr,SXr,sumPresses]';
cellname = [char(65+i),'2'];
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Feb 2018
char(65+i) is going to fail after 25 files. You can grab something from the File Exchange such as
krysten spencer
krysten spencer on 19 Feb 2018
Edited: krysten spencer on 19 Feb 2018
I am just learning how to use matlab and I am not sure how to use this- do you have any examples? Thank you so much for the assistance.

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