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How to animate two pendulums in one figure?

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Chet  Price
Chet Price on 9 May 2012
Im working on a project for my matlab class. I would like to animate multiple pendulums each with a different length on the same figure. I have seen this done by using simple sin and cos values for the x and y positions. Does anyone have some helpful input or could show me how to do this? Even some similar examples would be great. Here is the code i have, it is currently just a single pendulum.
function project
close all
clear all
%user input
g = 9.8;
L = 1;
L1 = 1.5
m = 1;
alpha = 0.2;
y0Deg = [45 0];
tSpan = [0:.1:30];
%tSpan = [0 30];
y0Rad = y0Deg*pi/180;
[T,Y] = ode45(@pend3,tSpan,y0Rad,[],g,L,m,alpha);
%time series
%xlabel('time (s)')
%ylabel('\theta (rad)')
%phase portrait
hold on
function dydt = pend3(t,y,g,L,mass,alpha)
dydt = zeros(2,1);
dydt(1) = y(2);
dydt(2) = -alpha*y(2)-mass*g/L*sin(y(1));
function animatePendulum(T,Y,L)
nT = length(T);
for ind1 = 1:nT
xTip = L*sin(Y(ind1,1));
yTip = -L*cos(Y(ind1,1));
%xTip1 = (L+.5)*sin(Y(ind1,1));
%yTip1 = (-L-.5)*cos(Y(ind1,1));
hold on
plot([0 xTip],[0 yTip],'k')
%plot([0 xTip1],[0 yTip1],'k')
hold off
axis equal
axis([-1 1 -1.8 .2])

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