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Ask for rearrange daily data from multiple columns to a single row

2 views (last 30 days)
I have the original matrix named A containing daily river flows with 5-year records (2006-2010) so that the dimension of the matrix is 155x12 (31 calendar days in rows and 12 months in column).
Matrix A
Next step, I would like to rearrange data to be dimension of 1860x1 ranging from 1-Jan-2006 to 31-Dec-2010 and I used the following codes;
[num] = xlsread('A.xlsx');
z = num(:,2:end);
z2006 = z(1:31,1:12);
z2006_2 = reshape(z2006,372,1,[]);
z2007 = z(32:62,1:12);
z2007_2 = reshape(z2007,372,1,[]);
z2008 = z(63:93,1:12);
z2008_2 = reshape(z2008,372,1,[]);
z2009 = z(94:124,1:12);
z2009_2 = reshape(z2009,372,1,[]);
z2010 = z(125:155,1:12);
z2010_2 = reshape(z2010,372,1,[]);
Q = zeros(1860,1);
Q(:,:) = [z2006_2;z2007_2;z2008_2;z2009_2;z2010_2];
Overall, the code is fine and I can create the new matrix I really want. However, I just concern if I would like to manage the data with a longer recorded data such as 20 years so that this code may consume a lot of time since I have to write code manually. Therefore, can anyone help me to find a better code such as using for-loop, etc. that I can deal with many years of recorded data?

Answers (1)

Emmanouil Tzorakoleftherakis
Hi Phat,
you could try something along the following lines:
yrs = 5; % number of years
Q = zeros(yrs*31*12, 1);
for i = 1:yrs
Q((i-1)*372+1:i*372) = reshape(z((i-1)*31+1:i*31,:), 372,1);

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