i have three gray images. How to combine them and assign them to each channel of r g b?

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i have three gray images of same size. suppose the name is a b c. i want to construct a pseudo rgb image where red ,green , blue channels correspond to a, b , c respectively.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 4 Jan 2018
OK, fine, but you have not provided the individual gray scale images representing the 3 MRI states. You've only given us two sets of already-colored RGB images without any explanation of what color planes t1, t2, and flair went into for each of the color channels. So it might be
rgbImage = cat(3, t1, t2, flair);
or it might be
rgbImage = cat(3, flair, t2, t1);
How is any supposed to know from what you posted? Plus, what if they have vastly different ranges? Do you scale each channel before combining? Again, we have no idea.
Read this then try again.
anmol maharana
anmol maharana on 4 Jan 2018
Sorry for the question format. I have tried to upload the image. the image size is large and cant be compressed. so i am unable to give it.it is not about the combination. i am asking you about the pseudo coloring steps. how to scale each channel? in the image provided above A=flair image, B=t1 image C=t2 image

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 3 Jan 2018
cat(3, a, b, c)
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Jan 2018
Difficult to say without the images, but I suspect that the image you posted with the white is the proper image for your task of constructing pseudocolor images from those three greyscale planes. That is, I think you are probably trying to do the wrong thing.

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