I ended up just building this in a very piece wise way.
%Demonstration Cases
defaultCase = ' Hello\ - my name is Bob';
nonDefault1 = ' Hello Matlabbers - my name is Bob';
nonDefault2 = ' Matlabbers - Hello - my name is Bob';
%Word to skip during counting
skipBasic = 'Matlabbers';
%Set up the regular expression
word = '(\S*[a-zA-Z0-9]+\S*)';
space = '(\s[\W\s_]*)';
skipWord = ['(\S*' skipBasic '\S*)'];
skipWordSpace = ['(',skipWord space '?)'];
wordSpace = ['(',word space '?)'];
nonSkipWord = ['(\<(?!' skipWord ')' word '\>)'];
pairedWord = ['(' skipWordSpace '*' nonSkipWord ')'];
firstTwoPairedWords = ['^(' pairedWord space '){2}'];
unwantedFirstPart = ['(' firstTwoPairedWords,skipWordSpace,'*)'];
wantedPart = ['(?<=' unwantedFirstPart ')' nonSkipWord space wordSpace '*'];
%Create the parser
endString = @(inputString) regexpi(inputString,wantedPart,'match','once');
%Apply the parser to the examples