Clear Filters
Clear Filters


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can some one help me prepare the data in such a format so i can run the further code.

1 view (last 30 days)
i have downloaded a source code want to intimate the same result. the data is actually in .tsv format i have converted in txt n uploaded. i have to read this file and after reading file, i am suppose to run below mentioned code to create the biadjacency matrix. thanks in advance
bi = zeros(2901,801);
for i=1:length(matador.num)
bi(x,y)= 1;

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 18 Dec 2017
mattab = readtable('matador.txt');
[uprot, ~, protidx] = unique(mattab.protein_name);
[uchem, ~, chemidx] = unique(mattab.chemical_id);
bi = accumarray([protidx, chemidx], 1);
No loop required.
This might not give the table in the same order as your proteins and chemicals order. The order that will be used is alphanumeric sort order for protein name, and increasing numeric for chemical ID.

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