How can I create a 3d surface plot from a set of vertices and faces found in an .obj file?

16 views (last 30 days)
So an .obj is made up of vertices (v) and faces (f). Vertices have x, y and z coordinates. Faces are triangular, each face being defined by 3 vertices. For example:
  • v x y z
  • v -1 -1 -1
  • v -1 -1 1
  • v -1 1 -1
  • .........
  • f 1 2 3
  • f 5 3 2
  • f 7 1 8
  • ..........
So in this case the first face is a triangle with extremeties at the first 3 vertices. The second face is defined by vertices 5, 3 and 2.....and so on. Is there a function in matlab which can plot this type of data?

Answers (2)

KSSV on 4 Dec 2017
doc triplot, trisurf, trimesh and also patch.

lokesh kumar
lokesh kumar on 25 Aug 2019
I have triagulated data set (vertices and face ) ,how to plot into matlab surf.

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