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How to solve PESQ score NaN?

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Heawa Mehmandoust
Heawa Mehmandoust on 9 Nov 2017
Hello everyone! This is what I am working on, but I come across the following message: score = NaN. How can I solve this? Thanks in advance! Here is the matlab code: function [ res ] = pesq3( reference_sig, degraded_sig, Fs, fileNum ) % A wrapper for the objective Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality measure % % Syntax: [ res ] = pesq3( reference_sig, degraded_sig, Fs, fileNum ) % % Inputs: % reference_sig - Reference (clean, talker, sender) speech signal % degraded_sig - Degraded (noisy, listener, receiver) speech signal % Fs - Sampling Frequency % fileNum - An ID number to append to the temporary audio files. Useful % when several instances are to be run together (in parallel). % % Outputs: % res - Raw PESQ result for narrowband and MOS-LQO result for wideband % % See also: pesq2mos.m
% Author: Jacob Donley % University of Wollongong % Email: % Copyright: Jacob Donley 2017 % Date: 03 October 2015 % Revision: 0.1 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if nargin < 4 fileNum = 0; end temp_path = [pwd filesep '+Miscellaneous\+Temporary\']; ref_path = [ 'tmp_ref' num2str(fileNum) '.wav']; deg_path = [ 'tmp_deg' num2str(fileNum) '.wav'];
if ~exist(temp_path,'dir'); mkdir(temp_path); end
max_val = max(abs([reference_sig(:); degraded_sig(:)]));
% audiowrite([temp_path ref_path], reference_sig / max_val, Fs); % audiowrite([temp_path deg_path], degraded_sig / max_val, Fs);
res = pesq2_mtlb(ref_path, ... deg_path, ... Fs, 'wb', [pwd filesep '+Tools\pesq_NoResFile.exe'], ... temp_path);
end function [ scores ] = pesq2_mtlb( reference, degraded, fs, mode, binary, pathaudio ) % PESQ2_MTLB is MATLAB driver for speech quality calculation % in accordance with PESQ version 2.0 [1] on Windows operating system. % PESQ2_MTLB uses executable file PESQ2.EXE, which should be placed % at the same directory where PESQ2_MTLB is present. % PESQ2.EXE can be compiled from C sources, which are freely available % for downloading from ITU-T website [1]. % PESQ2_MTLB uses STDOUT2SCORES function developed by Kamil Wojcicki [2]. % % PESQ version 2.0 supports both NB-PESQ (narrowband PESQ measure) % as well as WB-PESQ (wideband PESQ measure). % This driver supports both modes through the MODE parameter. % % SYNTAX: % [ SCORES ]=PESQ2_MTLB( REF, DEG, FS, MODE, BNR, PATH ) % % INPUTS: % REF is file name of reference signal (wav or raw) % (file extension must be explicitly stated) % % DEG is file name of degraded signal (wav or raw) % (file extension must be explicitly stated) % % FS is the sampling frequency in Hz for REF and DEG % (FS values may be only 8000 or 16000) % % MODE specifies narrowband: 'nb' or wideband: 'wb' % % BNR is name (string variable) of binary file PESQ2.EXE % % PATH is path to folder which contains reference and degraded audio % files. Full path to the folder may be pointed here if it is necessary. % % OUTPUTS: % SCORES is a two element array: [ PESQ_MOS, MOS_LQO ] % for narrowband mode, or a scalar for the % wideband mode: MOS_LQO % % PESQ_RESULTS.TXT is text file which contains results history % and is saved and renewed at the same foler, were PESQ2.EXE is placed % % EXAMPLES of computing NB-PESQ and WB-PESQ scores for wav-files % and raw-files see at TEST_PESQ2_MTLB m-file % % [1] ITU-T (2005), "P.862: Revised Annex A - Reference implementations % and conformance testing for ITU-T Recs P.862, P.862.1 and P.862.2" % URL:!Amd2/en % [2] Wojcicki K. PESQ MATLAB Wrapper. % URL: % % See also TEST_PESQ2_MTLB. % % Author: Arkadiy Prodeus, email:, Jule 2014
% identify current folder
expdir = pwd();
% path and names of sound files
reference = [pathaudio filesep reference];
degraded = [pathaudio filesep degraded];
% select conditional mode of processing:
% narrowband mode or wideband mode
switch lower( mode )
% computed prediction for narrowband speech
case { [], '', 'nb', '+nb', 'narrowband', '+narrowband' }
command = sprintf( 'pushd %%CD%%&& cd %s && %s +%i %s %s && popd', expdir, binary, fs, reference, degraded );
[ status, stdout ] = system( command );
if status~=0
warning( 'The %s binary exited with error code %i:\n%s\n', binary, status, stdout );
scores = stdout2scores( stdout, mode );
% computed prediction for wideband speech
case { 'wb', '+wb', 'wideband', '+wideband' }
command = sprintf( 'pushd %%CD%%&& cd %s && %s +%i +wb %s %s && popd', expdir, binary, fs, reference, degraded );
[ status, stdout ] = system( command );
if status~=0
warning( 'The %s binary exited with error code %i:\n%s\n', binary, status, stdout );
scores = stdout2scores( stdout, mode );
% otherwise declare an error
error( sprintf('Mode: %s is unsupported!\n',mode) );
end % switch lower( mode )
function [ scores ] = stdout2scores( stdout, mode ) % The PESQ binary outputs results, along with some other % information to STDOUT. This function is used to extract % the actual scores from the STDOUT output of the PESQ binary.
% Author: Kamil Wojcicki, UTD, November 2011 % URL:
% select conditional mode of processing:
% narrowband mode or wideband mode
switch lower( mode )
% computed prediction for narrowband speech
case { [], '', 'nb', '+nb', 'narrowband', '+narrowband' }
tag = 'P.862 Prediction (Raw MOS, MOS-LQO): = ';
defaults = [ NaN, NaN ];
% computed prediction for wideband speech
case { 'wb', '+wb', 'wideband', '+wideband' }
tag = 'P.862.2 Prediction (MOS-LQO): = ';
defaults = NaN;
% otherwise declare an error
error( sprintf('Mode: %s is unsupported!\n',mode) );
end % switch lower( mode )
% length of standard output (in characters)
S = length( stdout );
% location of MOS score predictions
idx = strfind( stdout, tag );
% sanity check...
if isempty(idx) || length(idx)~=1 || idx>S
scores = defaults;
% truncate to keep MOS info at the start
stdout = stdout(idx+length(tag):end);
% scan for at most two floats
scores = sscanf( stdout, '%f', [1,2] );
% sanity check...
if isempty( scores )
scores = defaults;

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