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Undefined function 'readVoltage' for input arguments of type 'arduino'.

4 views (last 30 days)
I have a proper connection between MATLAB and an Arduino (Uno) board. When I first installed Arduino Package in MATLAB I was able to receive a signal from an analog pin on my Arduino board using readVoltage() function. However, after installing ArduinoIO package to add the so-called 'Arduino IO library' library in Simulink browser, I have started to get the following error every time I use the statement, say, readVoltage(a, 'A5'):
Undefined function 'readVoltage' for input arguments of type 'arduino'.
Just for info, I assign a new Arduino object beforehand by typing
a = arduino()
Nothing is really happening though. Any help is appreciated.

Accepted Answer

Madhu Govindarajan
Madhu Govindarajan on 30 Oct 2017
After you have established the communication with Arduino using a=arduino, could you type methods(a) and post the results here?
Ricardo Ramirez
Ricardo Ramirez on 23 Oct 2018
So you just erased the packaged you installed? I got the same problem, and don't know what to do about it :(
Madhu Govindarajan
Madhu Govindarajan on 24 Oct 2018
@Ricardo - I guess all Aydin is saying - have only MATLAB Support package for Arduino and Simulink Support package for Arduino and this issue does not happen.

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