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Can a SimEvents Entity be passed into and out of a Referenced Model?

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Can a SimEvents Entity be passed into and out of a Referenced Model?
Elliott Rachlin
Elliott Rachlin on 8 Sep 2017
Not sure what componentization means, but definitely not for acceleration purposes. What I need to do is define a (referenced) model that I can then instantiate many times in my top-level model. If I find an error in my referenced model, I only have to fix it in one place rather than in all the places I instantiated it. In other words, use the referenced model like a subroutine.
Brian Neiswander
Brian Neiswander on 8 Nov 2017
A good approach for this workflow is to use a custom library instead of model referencing. A custom library allows you to reuse components while maintaining all instances from one location. Also, this approach is compatible with SimEvents.
You can use a subsystem to encapsulate the reusable portion of your model and then move this subsystem into a custom library. You can create instances of this component by dragging the subsystem from your library to a model.
If you need to make changes, you can simply make your modifications in the library; all instances will be automatically updated. See the link below for more details.

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